Quantum-Safe Supply Chain with Line-of-Sight Visibility

Key Features

  • Prove your data with quantum-safe security
  • View real-time data with comprehensive line-of-sight visibility
  • Save up to 30% on your organization’s supply chain operations with Dragonchain.

The current threat to the nation’s supply chain is unprecedented. Businesses are faced with unimagined vulnerabilities as outdated infrastructures collapse under the current geopolitical environment. Dragonchain is your complete solution for a fortified supply chain management system now and into the future.


Together with AQED, Dragonchain offers quantum-safe encryption to protect your entire supply chain against crippling ransomware attacks invading your business. We shield your supply chain from external threats including threats from partners and suppliers. Our solutions allow businesses to stay operational with a combination of segregated data, quantum encryption, and mirrored systems for a dependable disaster recovery process that minimizes company downtime.

We leverage multiple integrations with public blockchain networks to decrease fraud and prove the authenticity of supply chain data. Our platform provides you with a secure chain of custody and independent proof of data integrity.


Our solutions provide industry-exclusive line-of-sight visibility into the depths of your supply chain to track products and inventory throughout the entire supply chain lifespan.

Unique to Dragonchain is the use of Enterprise NFTs for selective transparency and access control. With Enterprise NFTs, your business can track and trace the state of your supply chain materials and products and use this information to identify vulnerable areas where a breach or other event may have occurred.

On-chain data allows for real-time reporting and forecasting of information and events. This allows a business to gain valuable insight into the state of individual supplier manufacturing processes allowing for advanced and granular analytics. This data can be used to streamline processes with evidence-based improvements and deliver products more efficiently to reduce supply chain costs.

Data Quality Controls with Enterprise Smart Contract Orchestration

With Dragonchain smart contracts your business can leverage human behavior systems to improve overall supply chain data quality by motivating your partners and employees to take responsibility for accuracy through a reputation-based data quality score. Your business can motivate independent reporting of supply chain fraud and inaccuracies with information reporting bounties. Additionally, incentives can be used to support other initiatives such as sustainability where partners work together towards a common goal. Machine Learning and AI components can also be added to tune any part of the system.

Integration and Interoperability

Through Dragonchain’s patented interoperable blockchain technology, any external blockchain, legacy system, application, or IoT device or sensor can be integrated with any supply chain management system to secure, track, and authenticate supplies and products. Further, Dragonchain smart contracts are interoperable with any legacy or blockchain system.

Dragonchain’s interoperability solutions are perfect for any sector to track supplies, provide audit proofs, identify users and devices, and secure data with quantum-safe cybersecurity. The developer-friendly platform is easy to integrate into your current network, easy to use, and is independently scalable.

Contact us today for a quantum secure line of sight into your supply chain management system.

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