Comprehensive Data Integrity with Smart Contract Gated Data Access

It’s understood that blockchain naturally records data in an immutable way. With Dragonchain, businesses can elevate data immutability to ensure comprehensive data integrity. To understand how businesses can take this crucial next step, we must first understand what we mean by data integrity.

What is data integrity?

When we refer to data integrity we are talking about all aspects related to data.

  • Who created a specific piece of data?
  • When was it created?
  • What is its source?
  • Who has access to data?
  • Who has accessed and when did they access said data?
  • Has anyone modified the data?
  • Is the data complete?
  • What portion is missing?
  • What is the state of the data at any specific point in time?
  • Has information or metadata been added to the original data?
  • Has the data been partially or fully distributed?
  • Who received the data?

Basically, how was the data created and is it in the same state as when it was recorded? Beyond knowing every aspect of the business data, it’s also important for businesses to record and store all the data important to their business.

Customizable Data Security with Dragonchain

Dragonchain’s patented interoperability technology allows businesses to plug in any encryption protocol they desire. Businesses can use our proprietary quantum encryption technology or they can integrate their preferred method, including a combination of encryption methods. Combining Dragonchain with any chosen encryption protocol yields measurable proof of data states to assure data integrity at rest, when accessed, or updated.

Comprehensive Data Integrity Audit Capabilities

Proof of Contemporaneous State

Unlike other blockchain platforms, Dragonchain’s patented interoperability and scalability technology allows businesses to capture copious amounts of data with proof of time. This allows businesses to retroactively access historical data that they may not have thought important at the time it was recorded.

Proof of chain of custody of all CRUD operations

Unlike other data services, with Dragonchain, every create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operation is captured on-chain with proof. We leverage multiple blockchains for unmatched security, ensuring data can not be changed and is in the same state as when it was recorded. This proof of chain of custody of all CRUD operations gives businesses the ability to prove every data interaction and verify a complete chain of custody on all data items and events.

Measurable proof of immutability

Every transaction recorded on-chain comes with measurable proof of immutability. Businesses can use measurable proof of immutability to prove that a data transaction has occurred, hasn’t been tampered with, has been stored for a specific amount of time, and that there are billions of dollars of measurable security behind the proof.

What is Measurable Proof?

Dragonchain created the ability to measure the amount of security that secures every data transaction. The Transaction Security Value (TSV), shows, in real time, how many dollars ($USD) of energy consumption has been used to secure a transaction. The metric uses the hash power of every connected chain combined with the cost of electricity used to create each block and indicates how much money one would have to spend to overtake the system to alter the transaction. Because Dragonchain interoperates with multiple blockchains, the TSV starts in the millions of dollars and continually increases over time resulting in approximately $4 billion USD worth of immutable security and measurable proof every year.

Dragonchain combines customizable data security, comprehensive data integrity audit capabilities, and blockchain technology for Smart Contract Gated Data Access (SC-GDA).

Smart Contract Gated Data Access

Once businesses are able to capture and encrypt all their business data, the next crucial step to assure comprehensive data integrity is to gate access to the data and its decryption.

Dragonchain offers businesses smart contract based decryption and access capabilities.

SC-GDA requires users to access all data (CRUD) through the use of smart contracts. Every access event is on-chain and includes full authentication and authorization capabilities. Access controls are flexible and can be either key based or use a traditional authentication process. These smart contracts can stipulate who is allowed to access the data, what criteria they must meet, if any, and what operations are allowed to them.

Beyond controlling access

For businesses who need to augment data in some way, perhaps due to a process update, changes are also made through a smart contract. A new transaction with the updated information is created including a tag referencing the original data, stating the update to the original data transaction.

What does that look like?

Let’s say an employee created a document in the company’s system. The source of this document falls to the employee and their identity is attached to the document. The employee then gives access to this document to a co-worker with read-only access. If the co-worker tries to write something, the change would fail and it would be logged that the co-worker tried to update the document. Even if the co-worker didn’t try to edit the document in some way, every time the co-worker viewed the document it would be logged on-chain. The end result is that the business now has full transparency into all aspects surrounding the document including the ability to assess if the data is compromised.

The Elephant in the Room: Garbage In Garbage Out

Dragonchain offers unique advanced capabilities to incentivize the accuracy of data entry to ensure and measure data quality. We have patented technology that can be applied to data creation, capture, and distribution that significantly increases the quality of data by incentivizing humans to be good stewards of business data.

Monetize Data Access

In addition to the highest level of security and access controls, businesses can also use this technology to monetize data access. For example, let’s say a business partner requests access to a particular set of documents from a business. The business who provides the documents can charge a fee for accessing or viewing the documents. This process can be customized to meet the needs of the business and can even be integrated as a subscription based service.

Contact us today to take the next step in data integrity.